Receive detailed posing coaching on your own time at an affordable price.
Whether you're a beginner with a basic posing foundation or an advanced poser, we can help you enhance your posing and stage presence via posing video critiques!
Our coaches will review your entire video and photos, providing a detailed video reply with suggestions and demonstrations to help your posing improve.
What We Cover:
Submit a posing video anytime you'd like your entire posing routine reviewed (mandatory poses, walking technique, comparison transitions, individual routine, posing flow and style, core control and mobility).
Step 1: Submit payment
Step 2: Complete questionnaire and upload video
Step 3: Receive a text with link to personalized video feedback within 3 days
We suggest practicing feedback for at least 3 days before submitting another submission.
Feedback is available for 30 days.
Submit posing photos anytime you'd like the technique of your mandatory poses reviewed.
Step 1: Submit payment
Step 2: Complete questionnaire and upload photos
Step 3: Receive a text with link to personalized video feedback within 3 days
We suggest practicing feedback for at least 3 days before submitting another submission.
Feedback is available for 30 days.
Start with Performance Posing Today!